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Individual Therapy for Adults and Young Adults

Our practice mostly centers around individual therapy for adults and young adults. However, we also provide couples therapy and family therapy for clients with eating disorders. We believe therapy is both an "art" and a "science," blending evidence-based treatment with the unique concerns and characteristics of the client.


Our therapists are equipped to help clients with a wide variety of therapy goals, ranging from simply wanting more self-growth and understanding to more urgent concerns like depression and anxiety. In addition to the services listed on this page, we have a special interest in working with college students, athletes, and individuals who identify as queer or LGBTQ-aligned.


While a 45 or 60 minute session can be very impactful, we want to help clients engage in practices consistent with their goals outside of the therapy room. Therefore, we often give clients assignments outside of session so therapeutic progress is maximized.



Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

and Prolonged Exposure (PE)

Many therapists shy away from doing trauma work with clients for fear that it will lead to decompensation (i.e., increased suicidality, problem behaviors, etc). While this is understandable, oftentimes PTSD treatment is necessary in order for a client to recover. When working with a client who really needs PTSD treatment but is engaging in risky or unhealthy behaviors, we use a protocol called DBT PE that introduces the distress tolerance skills necessary for trauma work and establishes criteria for starting trauma work (and "pausing" it if necessary). 


There are four evidence-based treatments for PTSD: Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Prolonged Exposure (PE), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)  and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT).


We have formal training in CPT and PE, and Dr. Trim is one of 6 therapists in San Diego to achieve "Provider Status" in CPT (similar to certification in other therapies). 



Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Meal Support, and Assisted Food Exposures

Most of our therapists have extensive experience in treating EDs and consider this our primary area of expertise/specialization. In addition to individual therapy, some of us have been trained in Family Based Treatment (FBT) and often use this approach when working with adolescents and young adults with anorexia nervosa.


For clients who need support or accountability with eating, we provide meal support and food exposures.  Meal support is offered in a group as well as individual (one-on-one) format. Food exposures are helpful for clients who are trying to expand their food variety or confront a "fear food," and are done on an individual basis. We typically meet clients at a Gravity Heights, a brewpub conveniently located next to our office (, but we can meet you anywhere within 10 miles of the office.

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Including DBT Skills Groups

(Tell me, who does NOT benefit from DBT skills?

(Answer: No one)

Regulating our emotions is HARD.  Most of us were not given a handbook or instructor's manual for staying true to ourselves, and dealing with intense emotions and challenging life situations.

As one of 4 DBT certified therapists in San Diego, Dr. Trim provides adherent DBT treatment, which includes the following:


1. Individual DBT sessions

2. DBT skills groups

3. DBT skills coaching (where clients contact me outside of session for help applying skills in difficult emotional situations)


The weekly DBT skills group that we run is informative, engaging, and FUN! DBT skills groups teach mindfulness and healthy coping strategies for emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.


These skills are especially helpful for clients who are looking to stop problematic behaviors, but EVERYONE can benefit from learning DBT skills.




In this 8 week virtual group, we provide an affirming, body-positive space where we can:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to our body image

  • Learn how to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts about our body

  • Begin to stop body image related avoidance

  • Move toward body acceptance and compassion


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Perfectionism can take many forms-- difficulty making decisions, trying new things, or taking risks due to fear of failure or looking stupid. Regardless of our achievements, perfectionism can make us feel inadequate. In this 8 week virtual group, we will learn about perfectionism, explore our own unique brand of perfectionism, and learn how to effectively manage perfectionism (when to go with it, when to go against it, and when to let it go!)


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©2024 by Julie Trim, PhD & Associates


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